List Of Paper Announcement
No. | Topic | Title | Penulis | Asal Institusi | Status |
1 | Strategic Management | Indonesian Firms in Facing Globalization: Are Foreign Ownership and Export Matter? | Suyanto Suyanto and Yenny Sugiarti | University of Surabaya | Accepted |
2 | Financial Management | Investor behavior bias based on demographic characteristics | Jessica Elizabeth, Werner R. Murhadi and Bertha S. Sutejo | University of Surabaya | Accepted |
3 | Financial Management | Analisis pengaruh information asymmetry terhadap dividend | Liliane Ernestin, Werner R. Murhadi and Bertha S Sutejo | University of Surabaya | Accepted |
4 | Other relevant Topics, Service Management, Strategic Management | Researching of the reality and proposing solutions to strengthen the application of information technology in small and medium Logistics enterprises in Southern Vietnam. | Nguyen Dai Duong and Phan Le Nhu Thuy | Ba Ria Vung Tau University, University of Transport and Communications, Ho Chi Minh City | Accepted |
5 | Human Resource Management | The Importance of Positive Organizations in the Industrial Era 4.0 | Ahmad Zafrullah Tayibnapis, Lucia Endang Wuryaningsih and Radita Gora Tayibnapis | University of Surabaya University of Satya Negara Indonesia | Accepted |
7 | Digital Ventures | Hyperlocal Journalism as a Strategy in Facing Digital Disruption: A Case Study of Jawa Pos Newspaper Studi Kasus pada Harian Jawa Pos |
Dudi Anandya, Freddy Mutiara, , and Ambang Priyonggo | University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | Accepted |
8 | Digital Service and Operations Management | Blockchain for non-financial sector SME: Opportunities and Challenges? | Adi Prasetyo Tedjakusuma and Bernardo Nugroho Yahya | University of Surabaya, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | Accepted |
9 | Marketing Management | YOUNG CONSUMER PURCHASE INTENTION TOWARDS ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY PRODUCTS IN INDONESIA: EXPANDING THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR | Vania Sutikno, Indarini Indarini and Silvia Margaretha | Faculty of Business & Economics-University og Surabaya | Accepted |
10 | Digital Service and Operations Management The Internet of Things |
Accounting Students’ Perceptions of Electronic Learning in Industrial Revolution 4.0 | Irene Natalia | University of SUrabaya | Accepted |
11 | Financial management | Corporate Governance: A Key Driver of Intellectual Capital Performance | Dista Amalia Arifah, Anis Chariri and Pujiharto Pujiharto | Faculty of Economics, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Doctoral Programs of Economics, Diponegoro University | Accepted |
12 | Financial Management | Stock Return Movement in Indonesia Mining Companies | Maya Indriastuti and Naila Najihah | Faculty of Economics, Sultan Agung Islamic University | Accepted |
13 | Human Resource Management | Self Leadership, Competence, and Organizational Support on Employee Performance Through Career Development of Employee on Private Company in Surabaya, Indonesia | Siti Mujanah | Economic Faculty, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya | Accepted |
14 | Entreprenuership | Entrepreneurial Intention among Millennial Generation: Personal Attitude, Educational Support and Social Media | Prita Ayu Kusumawardhany and I Made Bagus Dwiarta | Universitas Surabaya, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya | Accepted |
16 | Human Resource Management | Value-based social capital: An overview of social exchange theory | Tri Wikaningrum and Fuad Mas'Ud | Sultan Agung Islamic University, Diponegoro University | Accepted |
17 | Financial Management | THE ROLE OF CSR TOWARD SHAREHOLDERS WEALTH THROUGH INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL | Siti Sumiati and Rima Yulia Sueztianingrum | Universitas Islam Sultan Agung | Accepted |
18 | Human Resource Management | The Influence of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Continuance Commitment, Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Towards Performance | Abdul Hakim and Adriana Yogi Pristika | Faculty of Economics, Sultan Agung Islamic University | Accepted |
19 | Cost and Accounting Management | FRAUD PENTAGON AS A MEASUREMENT TOOL FOR DETECTING FINANCIAL STATEMENT FRAUD | Khoirul Fuad, Amalia Bunga Lestari and Retno Tri Handayani | Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Universitas Muria Kudus | Accepted |
20 | Marketing Management | The Formation of Customer Satisfaction in Social Media, the Role of Frequency and Duration of Use | Dudi Anandya, Indarini Indarini and Ayu Tito Septiani | Universitas Surabaya | Accepted |
21 | Marketing Management | The effect of service quality, food quality, and price perception on behavioral intentions in a fast-food restaurant | Murwanto Sigit, M.N. Sajid | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Accepted |
22 | Strategic Management | Supply Chain Management Practice in Creative Industries | Lisa Kartikasari, Hendar Hendar and Lisa Kartikasari | Sultan Agung Islamic University | Accepted |
24 | Cost and Accounting Management Human Resource Management |
Is the Stock Option Effective to Maintain Key Management? - Evidence from Indonesia | Yie Ke Feliana and Fransisca Lianggono | University of Surabaya | Accepted |
26 | Service Management | Effect of Consumer use of Mobile Banking (M-Banking), and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty at Students in Surabaya | Juliani Dyah Trisnawati | University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia | Accepted |
27 | Financial Management | FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KINERJA KEUANGAN PERUSAHAAN BERDASARKAN TEORI AGENSI | Arif Herlambang, Werner Ria Murhardi and Tania Andriani | University of Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia | Accepted |
29 | Human Resource Management | The Role of Knowledge Management Capability And Digital Ecosystem To Enhance Digital Transformation For SMEs | Nurhidayati Nurhidayati | Universitas Islam Sultan Agung | Accepted |
30 | Financial Technology | Integrated financial technology model at financing decision for Small Medium Enterprises development | Mutamimah and Hendar | Sultan Agung Islamic University | Accepted |
31 | Operation management | Dynamic Capabilities for SMEs: Ready to Change and Cloud Service Role on Digital Business | Chrisna Suhendi, Marno Nugroho, Hasyaniza Binti Yahya and Ahmad Suffian Mohd. Zahari | Faculty of Economics, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Faculty of Business and Management Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia | Accepted |
32 | Financial Technology | FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY OPTIMIZATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MSME WITH PHENOMENOLOGY SPOTLIGHT | Suhartono Suhartono, Memen Suwandi, Andi Yustika Manrimawagau Bayan and Andi Laela Kadriati Taufiq | State Islamic University of Alauddin, Makassar | Accepted |
33 | Human Resource Management | Enhancing The Innovation Capability Through Knowledge Management Capability and Networking | Heru Sulistyo | Faculty of Economics, Sultan Agung Islamic University | Accepted |
34 | Other relevant Topics | CSR Reporting: Perspective of Female Audit Committee with Financial Expertise | Permata Ayu Widyasari and Naovy Febry Ayunda | university of surabaya | Accepted |
35 | Other relevant Topics | Future of Job Market in The Fourth Industrial Revolution | Ngoc Hoang Phan and Thi Thu Trang Bui | Ba Ria-Vung Tau University | Accepted |
36 | Financial Management | Factors Influencing Carbon Emission Disclosure in Mining Companies of Indonesia | Winarsih Winarsih and Dini Aisyah Supandi | Faculty of Economics, Sultan Agung Islamic University | Accepted |
37 | Financial Management | The Influence of Management Control System, Encouragement of Environmental Management, and Proactive Environmental Management on Carbon Emission Efficiency | Muhammad Ja’far Shodiq, Hasan Fauzi and Imam Ghozali | Faculty of Economics, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Business and Economic Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, Business and Economic Faculty, Diponegoro University | Accepted |
38 | Entreprenuership | Relationship network and business model innovation of start-up firms in the context of Industry 4.0: Evidence from Vietnam | Ghi Tran Nha, Thu Nguyen Quang, Huan Ngo Quang and Anh Nguyen Thi Phuong | Ba Ria Vung Tau University, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh city | Accepted |
39 | Financial Management | The Improvement Strategy of Tax Compliance from MSME Sector in Indonesia | Provita Wijayanti, Indri Kartika and Mutoharoh Mutoharoh | Faculty of Economics, Sultan Agung Islamic University | Accepted |
40 | Digital Logistics and Supply Chain | Last-mile logistics in Vietnam in Industrial Revolution 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges | Dinh Thu Phuong | BRVT University | Accepted |
42 | Marketing Management Se | THE EFFECT OF PRODUCT PLACEMENT ON CONSUMER INTERESTS IN MEDIATION BY BRAND AWARENESS | Erminati Pancaningrum and Tri Ulani | STIE PGRI Dewantara Jombang | Accepted |
43 | Operation management | Management of Cooperative Management through Operational Management Standards and Standard Operating Procedures in Improve the performance | Eni Wuryani and Harti Harti | Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia | Accepted |
Fenny Kusumohardjo and Joseph Ludovicus Eko Nugroho | Magister of Management, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional, Surabaya Indonesia, Magister of Management, Surabaya University, Indonesia | Accepted |
47 | Financial Management | Measuring Economic Growth through National Income Elasticity information on submission 47 | Made Siti Sundari | Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Surabaya Indonesia | Accepted |
48 | Financial Management | FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE DEBT RATIO OF INTERNATIONAL NON-FINANCIAL COMPANIES | Yoseph Handjaja, Bertha Sutejo and Deddy Marciano | Management Department, Faculty of Business and Economic, Universitas Surabaya | Accepted |
49 | Financial Management | REAKSI PASAR MODAL TERHADAP PENGUMUMAN LABA | Bertha Sutejo and Mudji Utami | Management Department, Faculty of Business and Economic, Universitas Surabaya | Accepted |
51 | Cost and Accounting Management | Memo as a wish fulfillment for me and our savior: a case study on SOEs in Indonesia | Riesanti Edie Wijaya and Andajani | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
52 | Financial Management | Diversification, Bank Risk and Efficiency on Shariah Bank in Indonesia | Anggraeni Anggraeni, Basuki Basuki and Rahmat Setiawan | STIE Perbanas, Student of Doctoral Program Airlangga University Indonesia, Airlangga University Indonesia | Accepted |
53 | Financial Management Other relevant Topics |
How do exports and imports distress foreign exchange reserves in Indonesia? A study using the Vector Auto-Regression method | Sugeng Hariadi, Ahmad Zafrullah TN, and Nuro Irawati | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
54 | Cost and Accounting Management | DOES CSR INVESTMENT HAVE AN ECONOMIC IMPACT? | Rizky Eriandani | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
56 | Human Resource Management | Mengembangkan Pemimpin Generasi Milenial dalam Mengatasi Perubahan dan Memenuhi Tantangan Revolusi Industri 4.0 | M.E Lanny Kusuma Widjaja | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
58 | Human Resource Management | Innovation Business Model in the Digital Era Network In Human Resource Empowerment |
M.E Lanny Kusuma Widjaja | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
59 | digital marketing | CELEBRITY ENDORSER AND PURCHASE DECISIONS ON THE ONLINE SHOP FAIT HIJAB IN INSTAGRAM | Anita Diah Aprilia Diah Aprilia and Nurul Hidayati | STIE PGRI Dewantara Jombang | Accepted |
60 | Globalization and Economic | Economic Performance Measurement With Data Envelopment Analysis: A Case Study of Small and Medium Enterprise in Sidoarjo information on submission 60 | Bambang Budiarto and Firman Rosjadi Djoemadi | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
62 | Financial Management | Pengaruh Illiquidity terhadap Stock Return di Bursa Efek Indonesia | Endang Ernawati and Arif Herlambang | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
64 | Marketing Management | Konsep Hijau : Kepuasan Pelanggan Dalam Bisnis Jasa | Hayuning Purnama Dewi | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
65 | Entreprenuership | ENTREPRENEURIAL VALUES OF INDONESIAN CHINESE and JAVANESE ON MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISES (MSE) | Elsye Tandelilin | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
67 | Financial Management | Ownership Structure, Good Corporate Governance dan Firm Performance di Pasar Modal Indonesia | Liliana Inggrit Wijaya, Welson Welson and Werner Ria Murhadi | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
68 | Digital Tourism Service Service Management |
Pengaruh e-WOM terhadap travel intention, travel decision, city image dan attitude berkunjung di kota wisata | Jelly Gosal, Erna Andajani and Siti Rahayu | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
70 | Marketing Management | Pengaruh Airqual Terhadap Customer Satisfaction Dan Word Of Mouth Pada Maskapai Penerbangan Garuda Indonesia | Arindya Fananiar, Fitri Novika Widjaja and Adi Prasetyo Tedjakusuma | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
72 | Human Resource Management | Tiered SME Training Model: achieving SME’s competitive advantage in industrial revolution 4.0 era | Noviaty Kresna Darmasetiawan, Henrycus Winarto, Freddy Mutiara and D. A. Christy | universitas surabaya, Universite Paris est Créteil, Créteil, France | Accepted |
73 | digital marketing | Social Network Marketing, Attitudes toward Social Network Marketing and Consumer Engagement on Consumer Purchase Intention on Batik | Annas Syaifullah A. and Christina Rahardja Honantha | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
74 | Marketing Management | Does religious orientation matter? Reassessing the role of brand credibility and customer loyalty on controversial brand in emerging market | Andhy Setyawan , Ronald Sutanto So, and Christina Rahardja Honantha | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
75 | Marketing Management | Effect of Consumer-Based Brand Equity The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf or Maxx Coffee on Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty | Darwis Saputra Laurianto, Indarini and Silvia Margaretha | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
76 | digital marketing | ANALYZING THE EFFECT OF ELECTRONIC WORD OF MOUTH (e-WOM) ON ATTITUDE TOWARD CITY, CITY IMAGE AND INTENTION TO VISIT YOGYAKARTA | Sahara Muzdalifah, Siti Rahayu and Erna Andajani | universitas surabaya | Accepted |
77 | Digital Logistics and Supply Chain | THE IMPACTS OF FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION ON PEFORMANCE OF HUMAN RESOURES: A CASE OF LOGISTICS INDUSTRY, VIETNAM | Suong Huynh Thi Thu | University of Finance and Marketing | Accepted |
78 | Human Resource Management | CONFIGURATION OF EMPLOYMENT TRAINING TO IMPROVING WORK COMPETENCIES TOWARDS COMPETITIVENESS (CASE STUDY ON LAMONGAN ) | Nurul Badriyah and Abid Muhtarom | Islamic University Of Lamongan | Accepted |
79 | Operation management | THE IMPACT OF MULTI CHANNEL 'S _ SINGLE PHASE QUEUE AND E-ID PROCESS SERVICE ON COMMUNITY SATISFACTION IN LAMONGAN REGENCY | Titin Titin and Abdul Ghofur | Islamic University Of Lamongan | Accepted |
80 | Marketing Management | Influence of The Upscale Cafe Servicescape on Satisfaction and Intention Loyalty | Marso and Rafiq Idris | Department of Management, STIE Bulungan Tarakan, Tarakan, Indonesia, Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia | Accepted |
81 | Operation Management | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION: A study of some private universities in Vietnam | Ho Van Han and Tri Le Si | Ba Ria Vung Tau University | Accepted |
82 | Other relevant Topics | IMPROVING LEARNING QUALITY OF A STUDENT THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY OF A TENCHNOLOGY PHASE 4.0 | Ngoan Nguyen Thi Kim and Ngoan Nguyen Thi Kim | Thu Dau Mot University | Accepted |
83 | Cost and Accounting Management | ANALYSIS OF FACTORS INFLUENCE THE UNDERSTANDING OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARD OF ACCOUNTING STUDENTS IN STATE UNIVERSITIES IN MAKASSAR | Suhartono Suhartono, Jamaluddin Majid, Yusdin Yusdin, Muhammad Iqbal and Firman Firman | Faculty of Islamic Economic and Bussiness Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar | Accepted |
84 | Cost and Accounting Management | SLOW MOVING INVENTORY AND DEAD STOCK: Can it be solved? | Natalia Sugiono and Ria Sandra Alimbudiono | Universitas Surabaya | Accepted |
85 | Marketing Management | Social Media Marketing and Marketing Performance on New SME : A Moderating Consumer Innovativeness | Aditya Krisnanto, Surachman Surachman, Rofiaty Rofiaty and Sunaryo Sunaryo | PhD Student of Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya and STIE Jaya Negara Tamansiswa, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya | Accepted |
86 | Other relevant Topics | IMPROVE THE GROWTH QUALITY OF THE SOUTHERN KEY ECONOMIC REGION OF VIETNAM FROM A SOCIAL PERSPECTIVE | Khanh Ngoc Pham | Ba Ria Vung Tau University, Viet Nam | Accepted |
87 | Financial Management | The Effect of Financial Ratios and Macroeconomic Variables to Financial Distress of Agriculture Industry Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2018 | Erika Jimena Arilyn | Trisakti School of Management | Accepted |
88 | Financial Management | Revisiting the role of intellectual capital to firms’ performance: Indonesian Evidence | Felicia Nancy, Dedhy Sulistiawan and Felizia Arni Rudiawarni | University of Surabaya | Accepted |
89 | Digital Logistics and Supply Chain | DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION IN FOOD COMMODITIES: EFFORTS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF FOOD PRICE STABILIZATION IN INDONESIA | Nurul Istifadah and Heru Tjaraka | feb unair | Accepted |
90 | Service Management | Impact of Customer Trust on Brand Loyalty in the Public transportation | Vita Briliana and Ivana Sari | Trisakti School of Management | Accepted |
91 | Financial Management | Motivation, tax and firm’s condition effect on earnings management | Reynaldi Pramana and Friska Firnanti | Trisakti School of Management | Accepted |
92 | Human Resource Management Other relevant Topics |
CSR affecting business performance through the mediate of employee commitment: A case study of banks in Hochiminh City | Dang-Khoa Tran | University of Economics Hochiminh City (UEH) | Accepted |
93 | Digital Tourism Service | Antecedents of Online Information Adoption Behavior. Empirical study in Tourism Using Online Travel Agent Services | Hilmy Ammar Rafi and Ratna Roostika | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Accepted |
94 | Marketing Management | Perceived Coolness in The Heritage Tourism (Study in PT. Taman Wisata Candi) | Muhammad Husnul Fikri Ridhani and Ratna Roostika | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Accepted |
95 | Human Resource Management | Aisjah and Mintarti Rahayu Does Muhammadiyah Leadership Style exist? An empirical examination about what and how to measure it. | Utik Bidayati, Armanu Thoyib, Siti Aisjah and Mintarti Rahayu | Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Universitas Brawijaya | Accepted |
96 | Financial Management | FACTORS AFFECTING MUDARABA DEPOSIT IN ISLAMIC COMMERCIAL BANK IN INDONESIA | Sutrisno Sutrisno | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Accepted |
97 | Other relevant Topics | A study of How Political Behaviors Influence Organizational Effectiveness | Waiphot Kulachai and Adi Tedjakusuma | Burapha University, The University of Surabaya | Accepted |
98 | Financial Management | EFFECT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND CORPORATE STRATEGY TOWARDS FAMILY FIRM PERFORMANCE IN INDONESIA | D. Agus Harjito and Adhitya Rechandy Christian Santoso | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Accepted |
99 | Operation management | HIGH COST OF LOGISTICS AND SOLUTIONS | Dr. Capt. Fausta Ari Barata | University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya | Accepted |
100 | Financial Management | Earnings Management, Business Strategy and Business Complexity | G.J. Romadhon, Suyanto Suyanto and N. Ahmar | University of Pancasila, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi IPWI Jakarta, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Perbanas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia | Accepted |
101 | Financial Management | Interdependence Relationship Internationalization-Performance in Manufacturing Firms Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange and Chinese Stock Exchanges | Lijie Huang and Deddy Marciano | Universitas Surabaya | Accepted |
102 | Entrepreneurship | DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF STARTUPRENEUR FOR CREATIVE ECONOMIC BUSINESS ACTIVITIES TO IMPROVE LOCAL TOURISM information on submission 102 | Jeni Susyanti | Universitas Islam Malang | Accepted |
103 | Other related topics | Cross-Cultural Communication - Strategy For Developing Successful Cross-Cultural Communication In The Workplace | Quynh Nguyen | National Chi Nan University, Taiwan | Accepted |
104 | Financial Management | HERDING BEHAVIOR DETECTION: BULLISH AND BEARISH CASES | T Koputra and P.A Mahadwartha | Master of Management, University of Surabaya | Accepted |
105 | Other related topics | MODELS OF GREEN PARKS OF SEVERAL ADVANCED CITIES IN THE WORLD: VISIONARY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR HO CHI MINH CITY | Phan Thi Hong Xuan | Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh city | Accepted |
106 | Marketing Management | An Analysis of Local Product Authenticity and Customer Attachments | Ratna Roostika | Universitas Islam Indonesia | Accepted |
108 | Digital Tourism Services | The role of technology in developing tourist destinations is based on local wisdom in Bejijong Village | Veny Megawati, Hari Hananto, Njoto Benarkah, Ninik Juniati | Universitas Surabaya | Accepted |
109 | Artificial Intelligence | DEVELOPING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE FIGHT, REVENTION AND COMBAT OF CRIME IN DIGITAL BUSINESS | Thuy Nguyen Xuan and Hieu Nguyen Duy | People's Police Academy | Accepted |
112 | Strategic Management | Globalization and entertainment of urban families in Ho Chi Minh City (Case study of resettlement apartments in Ho Chi Minh City) |
`Phan Thi Hong Xuan Vo Thanh Tuyen |
Accepted | |
113 | Financial Management | Software Development for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise for Business Credit (Kredit Usaha Rakyat) | F. Ismiyanti & P.A. Mahadwartha | Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University & Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Surabaya | Accepted |
114 | Strategic Management | “Prospects and Challenges for Cambodia’s Manufacturing Sector” | Mr. UCH LEANG | Department of Asia Africa Studies International Relations Institute of Cambodia |
Accepted |
115 | Social and Business Ethics | Spirituality and business in harmony: case study of Saints Movement Community Church | Farenza Renada Fulongga | Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia | Accepted |
116 | Financial Management | PENGARUH GENDER DIVERSITY TERHADAP KINERJA KEUANGAN PERUSAHAAN | Yohanes Satria, Putu Anom Mahadwartha, Endang Ernawati | Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia | Accepted |
117 | Financial Management | Kalbe Farma and weakening Rupiah | S.L. Swandono, K. Raesita & P.A. Mahadwartha | Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia | Accepted |
118 | Social and Business Ethics | Sertifikasi Bukan Segalanya: Standar Mutu dalam Implementasi GCG pada SME “Lombok Jaya”-Binaan Universitas Surabaya | Maria Eugenia Hastuti, Silvia Pricilia Tumuju | Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia | Accepted |
119 | Financial Management | Superstitions and price clustering in the Taiwan Stock Exchange | K. Raesita, P.A. Mahadwartha | Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia | Accepted |
120 | Financial Management | Corporate social responsibility and full disclosure: relationship to financial performance of commercial bank | Rafael F. Dimaala | Our Lady of Fatima University, Philipina | Accepted |
121 | Human Resource Management | Significance of high human skills in the success of an organization | Arsenia U. Gallardo | Our Lady of Fatima University, Philipina | Accepted |