The Influence of Working Capital, Work Experience and Working Hours on Income of Lampara Catch Fishermen in Kelapa Lima District Kupang City

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Yeremias Glaudius Naga, Maria Adriani Bupu, Dessy M.E. Manafe, Enike Tje Yustin Dima, Henny A.Manafe

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This research was conducted in order 1) to analyze the development of working capital, work experience, working hours and income of fishermen in the Kelapa Lima,Districts of Kupang City (2) to know the influence working capital, working experience dan working hour in simultaneous with fisherman income in Kelapa Lima Districts of Kupang; (3) to know the influence working capital, working experience and working hour in partial with fisherman income in Kelapa Lima Districts of Kupang. This research used quatitative data because of implementation consist of data, analysis, and interpretation about the data, the source of data that used is primery data with the quisioner 5% in significance. There are 58 sample in this research that will changeble using Eviews 10 and analysed with inferential statistic analysis (clasical, linear, hypothesis, determine coefisien analysis. And the research results obtained that: the average for working capital is 1.16 million / month, work experience is 14.5 years, working hours are 16.5 hours / day and fishermen's income is 2.5 million / month. The result of this research is the variable of working capital, working experience and working hour positive influence in simultaneous with fisherman income in Kelapa Lima Districts of Kupang with 53.32 % from the factors and 46.68 % from the other factors. The variable of working capital, working experience dan working hour positive influence in partial with fisherman income in Kelapa Lima Districts of Kupang. And the variable of working hour negative influence in partial with fisherman income in Kelapa Lima Districts of Kupang. Suggestion from the analysis that the fisherman needs increasing working capital and working experience so can decrease working hour in fishing and can increase the spirit of working to increase the Income of Fishermen in Kelapa Lima Districts of Kupang.




Working Capital, Working Experience, Working Hour, Fishermen�s Income








Proceedings of the International Symposium on Management (INSYMA)


Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika, Universitas Surabaya






Yeremias Glaudius Naga, Maria Adriani Bupu, Dessy M.E. Manafe, Enike Tje Yustin Dima, Henny A.Manafe, “The Influence of Working Capital, Work Experience and Working Hours on Income of Lampara Catch Fishermen in Kelapa Lima District Kupang City,” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Management (INSYMA), accessed September 16, 2024,

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