Proceedings of the International Symposium on Management (INSYMA) (Vol 21, 2024)
Collection Items
Factors Determining the Level of Service Quality on Satisfaction and Loyalty BRI Bank Customers in Indonesia
Creator(s): Kadek Adelia Nadya Kusuma, Indarini, Dudi Anandya
Page: 1-5
Factors Affecting Purchase Intention of Environmentally Friendly Detergent in Indonesia
Creator(s): Devina Naradhita, Dudi Anandya, Indarini
Page: 6-11
Navigating the Blue Ocean: Telkom Indonesia's Strategy for Smart Agriculture in the Digital Era
Creator(s): Audia Citra Pradita
Page: 12-17
Internationalization, Capital Investment, and Performance: Evidence from Indonesia
Creator(s): Deddy Marciano, Liliana Inggrit Wijaya, Endang Ernawati, Zunairoh, Alisha Alawiyah
Page: 18-22
Estimating the Number of Traditional Coffee Shops (Warung Kopi) in Surabaya A Geospatial Analysis Approach
Creator(s): Bobby Ardiansyahmiraja, Jun Kajee, Irene Dyah Ayuwati
Page: 23-26
The Effect of Service Quality, Customer Perceived Value, and Trust on Customer Satisfaction with Lalamove Delivery Service on The Island of Java
Creator(s): Febi Anggun Rohmaturizqi, Juliani Dyah Trisnawati, Anthonius Budhiman
Page: 27-31
Board Structure and Ownership Structure on Performance: Evidence from Indonesia
Creator(s): Zunairoh, Liliana Inggrit Wijaya, Deddy Marciano, Marwin Antonius Rejeki Silalahi, Tri Ana Gita Nursela, Arif Herlambang
Page: 32-37
Perceived Market Efficiency and Investment Performance in Stock Market: A Literature Review
Creator(s): Marwin Antonius Rejeki Silalahi, Liliana Inggrit Wijaya, Zunairoh Zunairoh
Page: 38-43
Examining User Acceptance Intention for Mobile Payment System in Indonesia using the UTAUT2
Creator(s): Alven Justine Kojongian, Prita Ayu Kusumawardhany, Juliani Dyah Trisnawati
Page: 44-49
The Impact of Destination Brand on Revisit Intention and Recommendation Intention in Bali Island
Creator(s): Bryan Ferguson, Erna Andajani, Veny Megawati
Page: 50-54
Does Satisfaction Leads to Continuance Usage Intention? The influence of Service Quality and Cognitive Processing towards M-Payment
Creator(s): Grace Felicia Djayapranata, Andhy Setyawan
Page: 55-60
Does brand experience lead to brand loyalty? The mediating role of trust and quality
Creator(s): Benedict Adrian Irwantono, Andhy Setyawan, Dudi Anandya
Page: 61-64
The Role of Intrapersonal Factors, Interpersonal Factors and Organisational Support on the Effectiveness of Women's Leadership in the Public Sector (Study on SKPD of NTB Provincial Government)
Creator(s): Mukmin Suryatni, Siti Nurmayanti
Page: 65-69
Impact of Social Media Marketing of Japanese Craft Brands on Brand Loyalty: A Conceptual Model
Creator(s): Hikari Murashima
Page: 70-75
The Influence of Leadership, Motivation and Discipline on Employee Achievement (Study in the Public Relations Section of the Regional Secretariat of Malang Regency)
Creator(s): Mohammad Dullah, Erna Atiwi J.E., Roy Anugrah
Page: 76-81
Elevating Aquaculture in the East Java Region Through Innovation Strategies Using the Tows Matrix Approach
Creator(s): Andri Rianawati, Noviaty Kresna Darmasetiawan, Faizal Susilo Hadi, Lucan Feliciano D'surya, Bagas Andrihastama Bakhriansyah
Page: 82-87
Social Capital and Improving MSME Performance Through Entrepreneurial Orientation
Creator(s): M. Taufiq Noor Rokhman, Rachma Yuliana, Rosyid Arifin
Page: 88-94
The Influence of Financial Knowledge on The Financial Behavior of Generation Z: Mediated by Financial Self-Efficacy and Lifestyle
Creator(s): Ratnawati, Sukma Perdana, Ayu Agus Tya Ningsih
Page: 95-101
Managing Innovation: Sustainability of Blue Economy Industries
Creator(s): N. K. Darmasetiawan, A. Rianawati, Faizal Susilo Hadi, Bryant Arya Adirajasa, M. Kent, H. Angelina
Page: 102-106
Descriptive Study of Sustainability Report, Green Process Innovation, and Firm Value in Indonesia
Creator(s): Senny Harindahyani, Dianne Frisko Koan
Page: 107-112
Do Ownership of Companies Effect to Financing and Dividend Policy? Evidence from Indonesia Listed Non-Financial Industry Companies
Creator(s): Gary Lee, Yie Ke Feliana, Stefanus Budy Widjaja Subali
Page: 113-117
Cross-National Labor Migration of Koreans and Vietnamese (Approach from A Policy Perspective)
Creator(s): Khanh Thi Lan Ta, Xuan Phan Thi Hong, Tuyen Thanh Vo
Page: 118-127
The Impact of Logistics Service Quality in Satisfaction of Fresh Food E-Commerce Sayurbox
Creator(s): Az Zahrah Diva Permatasari, Siti Rahayu, Fitri Novika Widjaja
Page: 128-132
Predicting Behavioral Intentions to Use OFD Services through The Evaluation of Satisfaction, Food Quality, and Electronic Self-Service Quality
Creator(s): Siti Rahayu, Sugeng Hariadi
Page: 133-138
Understanding Community Service Methodology for Community Empowerment in Tourist Villages
Creator(s): Erna Andajani
Page: 139-142
The Effect of Attitude toward Behavior, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavior Control on Entrepreneurial Intention Students of Surabaya University
Creator(s): Imam Munara Fauzi, J.L.Eko Nugroho
Page: 143-147
SIPOC Model in Measuring The Competency of ISO 21001:2018 Management System Auditors
Creator(s): Muhammad Rosiawan, Juliani Dyah Trisnawati
Page: 148-154
Sustainable Finance: Implication of top-down policy in the banking sector
Creator(s): Lidya Prillia Putri, Dianne Frisko Koan
Page: 155-159
The Influence of Working Capital, Work Experience and Working Hours on Income of Lampara Catch Fishermen in Kelapa Lima District Kupang City
Creator(s): Yeremias Glaudius Naga, Maria Adriani Bupu, Dessy M.E. Manafe, Enike Tje Yustin Dima, Henny A.Manafe
Page: 160-165
Development of the Potential of Lasiana Beach Tourism as Sustainable Tourism in Kupang City
Creator(s): Veronika Yuliani Meo Dole, Maria HN Astri, Emiliana M. Lawalu, Adrianus Ketmoen, ME.Perseveranda
Page: 166-171
The Influence of Dividend Policy, Profitability and Company Growth on Company Value with Structure Capital as an Intervening Variable
Creator(s): Maria D. Z. Fatima, Maria A. A. Djuang, Stanis Man, Simon Sia Niha
Page: 172-178
The Technical Efficiency of Pension Funds in Indonesia: Do Size and Ownership Make the Difference?
Creator(s): Marry Christyanti Atanus, Cecilia N. Natu, Paskalis Seran
Page: 179-185
Web-Based Digital Daily Report to Optimize Employee Performance (Case Study on CV. XYZ Semarang)
Creator(s): Yani Prihati, Yulio Angwyn Sutikno, Tri Purwani, Alexander Dharmawan
Page: 186-189
The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance
Creator(s): Bayu Sujud Anugrah, Muhammad Riswandi Palawa, Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
Page: 190-195
Analysis of Marketing Strategies in Increasing Sales in Housing
Creator(s): Muh Sirhan, Maskuri Sutomo
Page: 203-207
Customer-Based Destination Brand Equity (CBDBE) and Digital Marketing on Revisit Intention Mediated by Tourist Satisfaction (Case Study at Mount Bromo)
Creator(s): Sati Ratna Dewanti, Djunaedi, Budi Rahayu
Page: 208-213
The Influence of Service Quality and Promotion on Tourist Motivation to Visit
Creator(s): Nurasyimah Usman, Farid
Page: 214-219
The Influence of Accounting Knowledge, Level of Education and Business Experience on The Use of Accounting Information in Sukodadi District
Creator(s): Defirna Indah Safitri, Rochman Arif, Yeni Vera Febriyanti, Abidah Dwi Rahmi Satiti, Yanuar Lazuardi
Page: 220-224
The Effect of Service Quality and Travel attributes on The Visitor Decision Through Tourist Satisfaction
Creator(s): Vira Rahman, Pricylia Chintya Dewi Buntuang
Page: 225-231
Does Knowledge Sharing through Innovative Work Behavior Influence the Enhancement of Performance for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)?
Creator(s): Aisa Kholisna, Sri Wartini
Page: 232-237
The Effect of Investment Decisions and Funding Decisions on Firm Value with Dividend Policy as a Mediating Variable (Case Study of Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2017-2020)
Creator(s): Moh. Faris Akbar Alam Syah, Budi Rahayu, Sasi Utami
Page: 238-243
The Role of Social Media Influencers in Building Strategies to Increase Visits Tourism
Creator(s): M Rafli Suhardi, Lailatul Hikmah, Umu Khouroh, Syarif Hidayatullah, Irany Windhyastiti
Page: 244-251
The Role of Tiktok Content in Influence Product Quality and Brand Image on Purchasing Decision
Creator(s): Hammas Az Zakkiy, Liza Nora, Siti Hafnidar Harun
Page: 252-256
The Influence of Tourist Safety and Tourist Enviromental Awareness on Tourist Visiting Decision through Sustainable Tourism
Creator(s): Fahry Budianto, Harnida Wahyuni Adda
Page: 257-262
Understanding The Role Of Agility In Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Literature Review
Creator(s): Putri Wulandari, Suryadi Hadi
Page: 263-268
HR Skills Role and Physical Environment on Tourist Satisfaction in Tourism Destination
Creator(s): Nurjannah, Zakiyah Zahara
Page: 269-274
The Influence of Food Image, Electronic Word of Mouth on Tourist Purchasing Decision at Lalampa Toboli Parigi Culinary Tourism
Creator(s): Sri Rahayu Ramadhani, Wiri Wirastuti
Page: 275-280
Travel Costs and Tourist Satisfaction on Tourist Loyalty in Culinary Tourism
Creator(s): Nurul Husnah, Syahir Natsir
Page: 281-286
The Influence of Tourist Perceived Equality, Government Support on Tourism Development Through Improving the Community's Economy
Creator(s): Sukma Hary Pardana, Yoberth Kornelius
Page: 287-292
Gender Differences: How Attitude Toward Using Digital Content Marketing Affects Indonesian Travel Behaviour
Creator(s): Adhika Putra Wicaksono, Bobby Ardiansyahmiraja, Adi Prasetyo Tedjakusuma
Page: 293-298
The Effect of Related Party Transactions and Political Connections on Audit Fee
Creator(s): Fitri Nurjanah, Bandi, Payamta, Jaka Winarna
Page: 299-305
The Determinants of Purchasing Decision: The Moderating Role of Tiktok Content
Creator(s): Hammas Az Zakkiy, Liza Nora, Siti Hafnidar Harun
Page: 306-315
The Role of Innovative Work Behavior, Career Development and Employee Involvement in Shaping Employee Performance Through Employee Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at Pt. Pos Indonesia (Persero) Lamongan
Creator(s): Maslahatul Ummah, Nurul Athifah, Abdul Ghofur, Nurul Badriyah, Mohammad Yaskun
Page: 316-321
Influence of Compensation and Work Emvironment Toward Employee Loyality in Pt. Cita Line Persada
Creator(s): Toriq Rahman Tohir, Hasanah, Fara Alkausar
Page: 322-327
The Role of Online Customer Reviews in Determining The Influence of Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions
Creator(s): Mitasari, Liza Nora
Page: 328-332
The Influence of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and The Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT. Telkom Indonesia Witel Tangerang
Creator(s): Nabila Zulfa Ikhsan, Sunarti
Page: 333-338
The Influence of Job Burnout, Work Stress, and Work-Family Conflict With Leadership Mediation on Employee Turnover Intention At KSPPS BMT Mandiri Sejahtera East Java
Creator(s): Moh Rifqi Ulul Albab, Yesti Nefinda Sari, Abid Muhtarom, Yunni Rusmawati DJ, Luluk Nur Azizah
Page: 339-344
The Influence of Work Environment and Work Motivation on the Performance of Employees of the Agricultural Training Center at the Agricultural Extension and Human Resource Development Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia
Creator(s): Siti Alisah, Diana Hasan
Page: 345-353
The Effect of Gender Diversity, Board Education Level, and Profitability on Company Value in The Banking Subsector in 2018-2022
Creator(s): Dea Herliyana, Azimah Hanifah
Page: 354-359
Analysis Of the Influence of The Working Environment, Work Discipline, Work Motivation Towards Productivity Through Leadership Style as an Intervening Variable
Creator(s): M. Zamroni, Nurul Badriyah and Sutinem
Page: 360-363
Work - Life Balance as A Mediator for Employee Engagement as A Human Resources Management Policy Strategy : Central Java Police Sector
Creator(s): Siska Adinda Prabowo Putri, Alice Zellawati
Page: 364-369
The Effect of Leadership Style and Employee Engagement on Employee Performance of PT Pegadaian in South Tangerang
Creator(s): Nurul Hanifa, Nur Asni Gani
Page: 370-372
The Strategic Management of Teacher Professional Development (TPD) Program As a Breakthrough to Elevate the Teacher Performance
Creator(s): Indah Arvianti, Nenin Astiti Ayunda
Page: 373-378
Consumer Behavior of Generation Z in E-Wallet Usage: As A Result of Hedonistic Lifestyle?
Creator(s): Agung Kusuma Wijaya, Rr. Iramani
Page: 379-383
The Effect of Managerial Ownership and Leverage on Financial Distress in Bumn Companies Listed at Indonesia Exchange In 2017-2022
Creator(s): Arinda Mariza, Budi Santoso
Page: 384-386
Comparative Analysis of Bank Health Before And After The Merger (Study On PT Bank BCA Syariah)
Creator(s): Najwa A'yuni Farhan, Budi Santoso
Page: 387-391
Effect of Liquidity, Solvability and Profitability Towards Company Income Growth (Case Study: Printing Sector Company, Advertising and Media,
Creator(s): Siska Intan Pratiwi, Ahmad Imam Amrozi, Dwi Hari Prayitno, Rosdiyati, Ahmad Faisol
Page: 392-396
Exploring the Impact of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance in the Environmental Department of Madura: A Green Human Resource Management Perspective
Creator(s): Bambang Setiyo Pambudi, Muhammad Alkirom Wildan, Akh Jalal, Moh. Fauzi, Yusuf Mubarok
Page: 397-403
Salt Business Opportunity Analyze: Approaches Towards a Green and Environmentally Friendly Economy in Madura Island
Creator(s): Prasetyo Nugroho, Rengga Aditya, Arya Satya Pratama, Mohammad Irfandi Iqbal, Mashuri
Page: 404-408
Problems of Take Over and Implementation of Contracts in Indonesian Sharia Banking
Creator(s): Fathor AS, Fatimatul Fatmariyah, M. Lathoif Ghozali, Nadiyah, Adityani Nur Witasari
Page: 409-415
The Role of Work Environment and Culture in Improving Employee Performance: Human Resource Quality Perspective in Public Organizations
Creator(s): Helmi Buyung Aulia Safrizal, Fajar Wirahadi Kuncoro, Suyono, Thufael Al Imamy, Davina Rahma Nurdin Azura
Page: 416-422
Food Consumption Value on Tourists' Behavioral Intentions towards East Java Local Food: Study Case of Z Generation
Creator(s): Agnes Elvania Fortunata, Monika Kristanti, Stefanus Reynaldi Salim
Page: 423-430
Thailand Tourism Advertising - Lessons of Experiences for Vietnam Amidst International International Integration
Creator(s): Assoc. Prof. Phan Thi Hong-Xuan, MA. Vo Minh-Truc, Mai Hai Binh
Page: 431-436
The Influence of Service Quality, Company Image, and Price Perception on the Customer Satisfaction: A Study of Reflexology Service Users in Malang City
Creator(s): Tin Agustina Karnawati, Risa Santoso
Page: 437-442
Gamification and Customer Experience: The Mediating Role of Customer Brand Engagement in Shopee
Creator(s): Gita Sirini Purwanto, Christina Rahardja, Dudi Anandya
Page: 443-447
Development of Infrastructure to Support The Salt and Tourism Industry in Madura to Boost The Economy of The Community
Creator(s): Aprilina Susandini, Arya Pratama, Putri Nurjayanti, Dewi Nur Avita, Wanda Masdalina
Page: 423-430
Influence of Consumer Dissatisfaction and Need For Variation on Interest in Brand Switching of XL Internet Service Users
Creator(s): Muhammad Fayyadh, Baiq Handayani Rinuastuti, Dwi Buana Sakti
Page: 456-462
Factors Affecting Accuracy Transjakarta Bus Travel Times
Creator(s): Hadiatul Fitriani Aulia, Daman Sudarman
Page: 463-465
Portrait of Pricing Determination as an Instrument for Realizing Sustainable Tourism in Indonesia
Creator(s): Tias Rahmi Fauziyah
Page: 466-470
The Influence of Influencers, Brand Image and Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions For Skincare Skincare Products (Case Study on Students of Faculty Of Economics and Business, Wijaya Kusuma University, Surabaya)
Creator(s): Roosyidah Pitradjaja, Joe Giovanno, Tri Tjahjo Poernomo
Page: 471-475
The Influence of Demographic Factors Economic Growth in Kediri City
Creator(s): Isro'in Listiyaningrum, Muhammad Dian Ruhamak, Budi Heryanto
Page: 476-480
The Effect of Self Efficacy, Job Market Considerations, and Financial Rewards on Accounting Students Interest in Choosing A Career as A Tax Consultant (Case Study on Students of Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya)
Creator(s): Eva Datul Maswuvah, Risawati SE.,M.Ak
Page: 481-484
The Influence of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Personal Selling on Purchasing Decisions on Sasa Product Advertisements On Inews Tv
Creator(s): Fajar Wahyu Dwi Agustin, Adrianto Trimarjono
Page: 485-490
Application Of Technology Acceptance Model Theory In The Realm Of Metaverse Tourism Study In Batu City- East Java
Creator(s): Widi Dewi Ruspitasari
Page: 491-495
Roles of Training, Work Involvement and Performance Allowance to Productivity within Work Life Balance as Intervening Variable (Case Study of Construction Workers in Bojonegoro, Indonesia)
Creator(s): Wiwiek Harwiki, Agusantiko Setyonugroho, Siska Meilinda Sari
Page: 496-501
Comparative Literature Study on Resource Based View and Dynamic Capability of The Firm
Creator(s): Bambang Raditya Purnomo, Fahmi Imanul Yaqin, Sutarmin
Page: 502-506
The Dynamics of QRIS Usage Decision in Banjarmasin Investigating the Mediating Role of Trust between Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use
Creator(s): Firda Rizqika Fitria, Muhammad Dairobi, Hastin Umi Anisah
Page: 507-512
Analysis of Profitability, Leverage, Company Size, Price Earning Ratio and Liquidity on Firm Value (Case Study on Company Food and Beverage Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Period 2017-2021)
Creator(s): Erawati Kartika, Anton, Ika Listyawati, Crisna Westi
Page: 513-518
Optimizing Tourism Potential Through Sasirangan Kayuh Baimbai Business Development in Banjarmasin (Study on Kayuh Baimbai Sasirangan SMEs )
Creator(s): Rahmat Sya'ban, Dahniar, Abdul Hadi
Page: 519-523
The Influence of Non-Cash Payment Transactions on Economic Growth in East Java
Creator(s): Nabila Andriani, Angga Rizka Lidiawan, Nindi Vaulia Puspita
Page: 524-527
The Effect of TikTok Content, Tourist Attraction and Online Customer Review on Interest in Visiting Nusantara Tourist on Telawas Beach of Central Lombok
Creator(s): Dwi Ayu Aprilia, Lalu Muhamad Furkan
Page: 528-532
Sustainable Tourism Transformation: Unveiling the Power of ESG Implementation in Enhancing Investor Attraction
Creator(s): Satya Fauziah
Page: 533-537
Enhancing Financial Performance: Investigating the Influence of Good Corporate Governance, Leverage, and Sales Growth in the Food and Beverage Sector
Creator(s): Ditya Wardana
Page: 538-542
Emotional Intelligence on Career Development: A Systematic Literature Review
Creator(s): Hedahayu Ratricara Aristawidya, Eisha Lataruva
Page: 543-548
The Influence of Learning Styles (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic) on Learning Productivity of SONIC Students in the Kampus Merdeka Curriculum at Universitas Kristen Maranatha
Creator(s): Raden Shafira Destiana, Wilson Bangun
Page: 556-561
Needs Identification for Hospital Digital Marketing Design: How Deep Is Your Empathy?
Creator(s): Raditya Aufa Rusman, Rosita Meitha Surjani, Joniarto Parung, Esti Dwi Rinawiyanti
Page: 562-567
Competitive Strategy with a Swot Analysis Approach at Coffee Shop Kopi Taman Lamongan
Creator(s): Rangga Andro Lamba, Dewi Nuraini
Page: 568-571
The Influence of Gender, Age, Length of Service and Educational Level of Directors on Company Performance in the Consumer Goods Industry Sector
Creator(s): Raflyzal Frega Praditya, Muazaroh
Page: 572-577
The Influence of Service Quality and Store Atmosphere on Customer Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction as An Intervening Variable at Toko UB Makmur Surabaya
Creator(s): Dipa Fauzan Ibnu Muhyiddin, Yuwita Amila Aulia, Bambang Raditya Purnomo
Page: 578-582
Traditional Marketing Strategy of Local Wisdom-Based Products in Kapah Shell Lime SMI Pulau Sugara Village, Alalak, Barito Kuala Regency
Creator(s): Najwa Awalia Absari, Anna Nur Faidah
Page: 588-593
Analysis Of Good Corporate Governance In Cooperatives (Information Systems Approach Case Study Of Setia Budi Women Cooperative In Malang)
Creator(s): Ida Nuryana
Page: 594-599
Tourism Business Model Formulation Based on Spiritual Enrichment with Business Canvas Model (Dhamma Visata Model in Central Java)
Creator(s): Steffi Steffi, Boedi Hartadi Kuslina
Page: 600-604
Synthesis of The Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic Model in Indonesia Higher Education
Creator(s): Aliyatuts Tsaniya Fatkhiyaturrizqoh, Gunawan Wibisono, Leonard Adrie Manafe, Novita Nur Halisa, Marsha Nandita Larasati
Page: 605-610
The Influence of Digital Literacy and Digital Culture on the Digital Divide at Health Laboratory Company in West Java
Creator(s): Rendy Adhitya, Lina Anatan
Page: 611-618
Integrating SEM, Markov Chain, and TRIZ in Customer Loyalty Management and Enhancement (A Case Study in the Bina Mitra Sejahtera Cooperative Probolinggo, East Java)
Creator(s): Charles Sugianto, Markus Hartono, Yenny Sari
Page: 619-624
Marketing Strategy in The Development Of Beyoucé Clinic
Creator(s): Christine Kurniawan, Yolla Margaretha
Page: 625-629
Outdoor Real Estate Advertising in Thu Duc City: An Overview And Policy Suggestions In The Context Of Asean Integration
Creator(s): Xuan Phan Thi Hong, Duong Doan Diep Thuy
Page: 630-636
The Influence of Shopping Lifestyle and Materialism on Impulse Buying in Shopee Marketplace Consumers in South Surabaya
Creator(s): Bram Pratista Kusuma, Evianah
Page: 637-640
The Influence of Product Quality, E-WOM And Brand Ambassadors on Purchasing Decisions for Somethinc Products (Study on Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya)
Creator(s): Teresa Ika Oktaviani, Dwi Indah Mustikorini
Page: 641-644
Role of Entrepreneurship Education and Self-Efficacy on Entrepreneurial Intentions Among University Students
Creator(s): Alfilia Hilda Rahmatika, Henky Lisan Suwarno
Page: 645-652
Open Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism: Optimizing Accounting for Creative Financial Management
Creator(s): Iman Supriadi, Kusuma Adi Rahardjo, Wulandari Harjanti
Page: 653-659
What is The Financial Behavior Of SMMEs in Surabaya?
Creator(s): Firdaus, Sukesi, Fadila Anyjar Wati, Shely Silvia
Page: 660-665
Building Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students
Creator(s): Yasmine Maharani Sayla, Surya Setyawan
Page: 666-670
Bandung K-Pop Fans’ Consumption Behavior
Creator(s): Raden Arvi Arsytania, Surya Setyawan
Page: 671-676
The Effect of Financial Literacy and Self Service Technology on Customer Satisfaction (Study of BUMN Bank Customers in Kediri City and Regency Region)
Creator(s): Risma Gesang Ayu Cahyani, Angga Rizka Lidiawan, Afif Nur Rahmadi
Page: 677-682
Does Corporate Governance Affect Firm Performance? Evidence From Indonesian & Australian Consumer (Non-Cyclical) Sector
Creator(s): Liliana Inggrit Wijaya, Evan Felix, Bertha Silvia Sutejo
Page: 683-686
The Moderating Role of Probability on The Effect of Capital Structure, Earning Per Share and Environment, Social And Governance on Stock Prices
Creator(s): Angelina Putu Krishna Adinda, Yoosita Aulia, Nurhayati
Page: 687-692
The Importance of Product Variation as an Intervention to Improve Purchasing Decisions (A Study on Gubuk Kloning of Sumber Gempong Rice Field Tourism)
Creator(s): Ahmad Nizar Yogatama
Page: 693-698
The Effect of Shopping Enjoyment and Price Discount on Impulsive Buying in the Shopee Marketplace (Study on Students in Kediri City)
Creator(s): Erika Ardita, Nindi Vaulia Puspita, Wahyu Dede Gustiawan
Page: 699-704
The Application of Product Innovation Carried Out by MSMEs in Business Activities to Improve Competitiveness (Study on MSMEs Bakpia Masaji Kediri City)
Creator(s): Septyva Ony Argyta, Gandung Satriyono Ria, Lestari Pangastuti
Page: 705-709
Cultural Tourism: Potential, Uniqueness and Attraction
Creator(s): Novita Rifaul Kirom, Dian Rokhmawati, Limgiani
Page: 710-713
Determinants of Company Performance Viewed From A Financial Point of View
Creator(s): Tio Arriela Doloksaribu, Rizalnur Firdaus, Firina Lukitaningtyas
Page: 714-719
Understanding the Dynamics of Dietary Restaurant Popularity: Insights from Data Mining in East Java Restaurants
Creator(s): Muhammad Izharuddin, Meirza Cahya Lestyorini
Page: 720-724
The Impact of Capital Structure on Firm Performance: Covid 19 Case
Creator(s): Claudio Dwisath Retanubun, Putu Anom Mahadwartha, Werner Ria Murhadi
Page: 725-728
Development of Student Entrepreneurial Orientation Through Human Potential and the University Environment
Creator(s): Abdul Azis Bagis, Budi Santoso, Akram, Santi Nururly
Page: 729-733
The Influence of Organizational Culture and Work Motivation on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Among Inpatient Ward Nurses of NTB Provincial Regional Hospital
Creator(s): Simson Albert Togar Dafarius, Sarifudin Serip
Page: 734-737
The Effect of Country of Origin and Online Customer Review on Purchase Decision of Uniqlo Products in Mataram City
Creator(s): Muhammad Shaghiar Maulana, Dwi Putra Buana Sakti
Page: 738-742
The Influence of Green Product, Green Advertising, And Health Consciousness on Purchasing Decision of Ades Brand Bottled Drinking Water (AMDK) Products In Mataram City
Creator(s): I Gede Pidran Eka Putra, Dwi Putra Buana Sakti
Page: 743-746
The Influence of Hedonic Shopping Value and Shopping Lifestyle on Impulse Buying of Miniso Products at Lombok Epicentrum Mall
Creator(s): Dawam Setiawan, Dwi Putra Buana Sakti
Page: 747-749
Analysis of Financial Performance Before and After Acquisition of Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2021
Creator(s): Dwi Karunia Rahmasari, Burhanudin
Page: 750-753
The Effect of Stock Liquidity and Bid-Ask Spread on Price Reversal Around the Announcement of the Russian Invasion in LQ-45 Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange
Creator(s): Karimannisa Alieni, Nur Aida Arifah Tara
Page: 754-758
The Role of Music in Brand Development: Lessons Learned from XYZ Advertising
Creator(s): Hayuning Purnama Dewi
Page: 759-762
The Influence of Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions Through Word of Mouth on Hisana Fried Chicken Consumers
Creator(s): Adrianto Trimarjono, M. Jalaludin
Page: 763-768
The Effect of Product Quality Dimensions on Customer Loyalty for Skincare Products The Originote By Using Customer Satisfaction as A Mediating Variable (Study on Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya)
Creator(s): Fika Risqi Wulandari, Matheous Tamonsang
Page: 769-774
Effect Price and Online Customer Reviews in Shopee Consumer Purchase Decisions at Kediri City
Creator(s): Aryaningsih Nur Afifah, Muhammad Dian Ruhamak, Yudiarto Perdana Putra
Page: 775-779
Correlation of Sectoral Stock Indexes on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for Portfolio Diversification Strategies
Creator(s): Rahmat Budi Santoso, M. Rifki Bakhtiar, Bunga Rosa Afilia, Abdul Basid
Page: 780-784
The Effectiveness of Technology-Based Accounting Learning Using The Problem-Based Learning Method
Creator(s): Aditya Hermawan
Page: 785-790